.CA Domain Whois Lookup

Search the .ca whois database.


Sibername CA Domain Name

Using our domain search tool you can check availability and Whois information for any .CA domain extension

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What is WHOIS?

"WHOIS" is an online directory service that allows people to look up information about domain names. CIRA maintains a WHOIS directory which permits queries to the .CA (Canada's country code top-level domain) registry database

What domain information does WHOIS display?

Upon searching a domain in WHOIS you can view details such as:

  • Status (i.e. if a domain is currently available or registered)
  • The creation, expiry, and updated dates
  • Registrar name
  • Administrative and technical contact information

Whois search for .CA domains in Canada. WHOIS protocol stores the standard information of all domain registrations. Using this tool you can check availability and owner information for whois .CA doman names.

Sibername.com is an ICANN Accredited Registrar

ICANN Certified Registrar

Sibername.com is a CIRA Certified Registrar

Sibername.com is an Authority (CIRA) certified .CA Domain Name Registrar