Domain Name Buyer’s Policy

Here's how our auction works:
  • You must have an active account with us to participate in our auction
  • You will have access to the list of domain names we have on auction after logging in to your account
  • If you don't have an account, you can create it here. No purchase required.
  • Starting time, minimum bid, maximum bid and reserved fee for the domain names will differ from domain name to domain name and will be specified by the seller
  • If you are the top bidder for the domain name, you will be required to make payment arrangements for the domain name with the seller within 3 days of the auction's close
  • The seller may add GST to the sold price.
  • The buyer pays the exact amount and is responsible for escrow, money transfer fees or any fees associated with the domain payment.
  • If your payment is not received in 3 days without a valid reason, we will offer the domain name to the second highest bidder and your account will be blocked for future bidding
  • Retracting any bid is not allowed, and not paying for any domain name won in an auction will cause your account to be blocked: you won't be able to use our system for future bidding
  • Payments exceeding $5,000 must be made by Wire transfers.

If you have questions about this process, please email us at


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