Included with all .US Domains
FREE .us Domain Name Whois Privacy and Theft Protection - Save $8.00 CAD per year
FREE Weebly Website builder. Connects to your .us domain name and your site is online in minutes!
FREE 2 POP/IMAP Email accounts with your .us domain name - For example:
.US Domain Extension
How to register a .US domain name?
- Use the domain search form above to check if your .US domain name is available.
- Add your personal information and be sure you have read and you agree with Sibername Policies.
- A third step would be to pay related fees and so with a simple click and a confirmation of the payment, the .US domain registration is completed.
What advantages do you have if you own a .US?
- With a .US domain name, you and your company will be more easily spotted and recognized.
- A .US domain will help with both marketing and SEO.
- Promote better your products or services online with .US
Types of .US domains you might want to register: